What I use:
- Well, I don’t self-host this site.
- My laptop is Thinkpad X230 with an SSD, it does its job and I don’t plan to upgrade.
- For reading and RSS, I use jailbroken Kindle PW3 with KOReader.
- I attempt to minimise e-waste and thus I do not aim at any brand identity for peripheral hardware. Just a working base is enough for me. The rest is happenstance depending on life circumstance varying from tiny headphones I got from a friend, to salvaging a display.
- My dotfiles tell quite a large story.
- Currently I use Artix linux, if I were to recommend a distribution I would either recommend Manjaro or Xubuntu.
- My WM is spectrwm as it fits all my needs without in depth issues, same applies to the terminal emulator.
- For smaller writings I use vis text editor, for larger work with references I use acme.
- My current browser for the majority of sites is Pale Moon, if a site is terrible, and sadly they are often are, I will use Firefox, and if that does not work, then ungoogled-chromium. For gopher sacc is completely fine.
- For PDFs - zathura, for videos - mpv, for music - moc, for images - sxiv, for e-mail - mutt and isync, RSS - sfeed, RSI prevention - pokoy, and for this site - discount markdown.